I write it.
And have for many years.
Yes, I am a copywriter.
Yes, I write ad taglines and press releases and other marketing and communications materials.
But I also craft poems.
And since this is a copywriter's website, meant to demonstrate my facility with the written word, it behooves me to share the writer I do when I write for myself.
I try to write one poem a day, or most of one that I can refine later.
Mostly, I write them at night before sleep, so most have something to do with dreams or other lives.
I wrote this one yesterday, a bit of a tongue-in-cheek item.
I don't usually title them, but this one would likely answer to the name My Other Life.
It goes something like this:
In my other life
Nothing much makes sense
I wade from dream to dream
A series of accidents
My heart is always talking
But only in past tense
I think it is my enemy
But I don't have the evidence
In my other life
I am split by a flame
One half is a longing
That I cannot tame
I need an intervention
But I forgot to wear my name
In my other life
I accept the blame
In my other life
I sometimes play a savior
But only when I get time off
For demonstrating good behavior
Some days I act in good faith
And some day as a traitor
Either way, in my other life
I am much braver